
After completing four years study (theoretical component), engineering students studying through the Universities of Technology obtains a National Degree qualification in their chosen engineering disciplines. These graduate bursars may then be offered permanent employment upon obtaining their 4 year degree qualification. These students get allocated to the business and provided a further 24 months structured on the job exposure, with coaching and mentoring support ensuring consolidation of theory and practical. The individual’s development progress is assessed at 6 monthly intervals and appropriate salary adjustments effected in line with successful progression.

Engineer in Training (EIT)


B.Eng. Degree in Identified Disciplines

Technician in Training (TIT)


National Diploma in Identified Disciplines

After completing s4 (theoretical component), engineering students studying through the Universities of Technology obtains a National Degree qualification in their chosen engineering disciplines. These graduate bursars may then be offered permanent employment upon obtaining their diploma qualification. These students get allocated to the business and provided a further 24 months structured on the job exposure, with coaching and mentoring support ensuring consolidation of theory and practical. The individual’s development progress is assessed at 6 monthly intervals and appropriate salary adjustments effected in line with successful progression.